“Under duress, we do not rise to our expectations, but fall to the level of our training.”

— Bruce Lee

What Is Coaching?

Coaching is the process of helping clients move from where they are currently to where they dream of being. As the quote above illustrates, this journey requires training! It also requires a willingness to look at your strengths and challenges, and to make changes that will allow you to move forward in creating the kind of life and relationships that you desire. The coaching relationship calls for empathy, self-reflection, accountability, and consistency from coach and client alike. 

Is Coaching Different From Therapy?

Yes! Where therapy invites you to understand yourself through the lens of past experience, coaching invites you to use your knowledge of self to create future experiences. A good coach will always be clear and forthright in acknowledging their scope of practice; in instances where a licensed therapist is more appropriate for a client’s needs, Pomegranate is happy to help with a referral.

How Can Relationship Coaching Help Me?

Relationship coaching can cover a broad variety of topics:

  • Identifying your guiding principles – needs, values, and goals – in how you want to relate with others;

  • Creating action steps to maintain alignment with your guiding principles in order to stay in your integrity;

  • Determining your boundaries and learning to maintain them with both clarity and compassion;

  • Understanding your conflict style and gaining tools to make conflict easier, healthier, and more productive; and,

  • Learning to repair after an argument or painful experience.

How We Coach

Coaching is a holistic process, involving both weekly calls and outside exercises and contemplation. At the beginning of the coaching process, we will work together to identify needs, values, goals, and challenges in your relationship(s), and set out to create a plan for making change where it’s most needed. As we move forward, we will identify action steps designed to create the relational experience you’re craving, with plenty of support for the times when making change feels hard! After each call, you’ll receive an email with a recap of important points from our conversation, as well as homework for the week.

How We Price

Because justice and community care are guiding principles in our work, we do our best to make our work financially accessible. We offer equity pricing for our coaching services, meaning you can select your price from three tiers, depending on what best reflects your financial picture.

What Coaching Clients Say